Experience Industry 4. 0 in conjunction with AI. The theme of the Hannover Messe 2019 underlines the increasing importance of artificial intelligence and machine learning in industry and in the energy sector.
At the Hannover Messe 2019 Charamel presents interactive learning platforms for employee training, instruction and further education. Under the motto 3D Assisted Learning, innovative solutions for interactive learning and training can be found in which a virtual 3D assistant - a so-called avatar - is integrated in various three-dimensional training scenarios. All products and applications are cloud-based and run in the browser. The interactive training courses can be conducted via PC, Smartphone or Tablet without additional software or equipment and are available around the clock.
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Virtual Trainer is a cloud-based solution that enables all functions in the planning, organization, execution and controlling of online training courses. At any time and from any location, instructions, trainings and courses can be carried out easily and efficiently. Virtual Trainer covers topics such as occupational safety, fire protection and hygiene training on a legally required instruction.
Other topics can be implemented quickly and easily. The special function of the Virtual Trainer – an interactive 3D avatar, who presents the content audio-visually - enhances the awareness and acceptance of a sustainable training. Thanks to the embedded Virtual Trainer management system planning, assignment and documentation of internal and external training courses can be easily organized.
Virtual Trainer is completely browser-based. Employees can train easily via PC, smartphone or tablet at any time without additional software. The system is modularly expandable with AI-Chat Assistant or VR/AR environment.
Sascha is an intelligent 3D-Chat Assistant that supports employees in the area of occupational safety. You could almost think he's a real person! The 3D avatar is automatically visualized in real time and helps, thanks to artificial intelligence, so to say "human". The intelligence can be extended to other topics.
Many administrative tasks should be automated in the company and employees receive answers to their questions quickly, easily and intuitively via the AI Chat Assistant. Besides themes like occupational safety topics such as travel expenses, finance & controlling, internal procedures or instruction on the operation of machines or equipment are conceivable. Sascha or one of his virtual colleagues can be adapted to any topic.
Sascha could also optimize customer satisfaction on websites through fast, simple and individual answers in customer contact. The virtual Sascha is a scan of a real person and represents a new technical milestone for browser-based interactive 3D assistants. Intelligent dialogue and assistance systems that react to text and speech input are the multi-modal user interface for multiple application scenarios.
Using the example of a John Deere tractor model we show how easy an Augmented Reality (AR) Support Assistant can help to learn functions. 3D assistance via avatar, visualization and effects are integrated in a browser-based AR environment. After scanning an area with the smartphone camera, a 3D avatar explains audio-visually the functionality of the tractor supported by additional 3D visualization.
The example can be adapted to complex machine systems or operating elements. Additional equipment such as VR glasses is not required. The AR-Support Assistant is cloud-based, runs in the browser and can be used directly on smartphones or tablets without additional software.
Interaction up to chats or questions can be supplemented by connected AI-Assistant. Used in the area of sales promotion the AR-Support Assistant is able to interactively transmit necessary additional information on products.
Alexander Stricker
Charamel GmbH
Richard-Wagner-Str. 39
D 50674 Köln
Fon: +49 (0) 221-44 66 40